ModiFace Launches Patented Skin Diagnosis Platform
この新たな技術は、スキンケア分野のリーディング・ブランドと提携した 10年に渡る革新的なスキン解析を元にしています
This new technology is based on a decade of innovative skin analysis in partnership with leading brands in the skincare field.
美容業界におけるARテクノロジーのリーディング・プロバイダーModiface,Inc 本社:カナダトロント (日本地区総代理店 テック・パワー株式会社 本社:東京都千代田区 代表取締役CEO:高澤義博)は 本日、美容ブランド様向けWebベースの新しいスキン評価プラットフォームの提供を発表いたします。最適なスキン製品をユーザーにご紹介するにあたり、今回の新技術では、推奨されるユーザーイメージの特許取得済み技術による細部分析をご提供し、バーチャルなスキン・コンサルティングをユーザーにご案内します。
Modiface, Inc, a leading provider of AR technology in the beauty industry, headquartered in Toronto, Canada (exclusive distributor in Japan, Tec Power Corporation, headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Yoshihiro Takazawa), today announced the launch of a new web-based skin assessment platform for beauty brands. To help users find the best skin products, the new technology provides a detailed analysis of the recommended user image using patented technology and guides users through a virtual skin consultation.

This new technology was builded based on a decade of skincare innovation, and the skills and experience gained from earlier iterations of our skin analysis technology. This includes our first virtual skin care simulation, launched in 2007 in partnership with Allergan, and the latest update adds cutting-edge skin analysis technology and 3D live simulation to this.
ModiFaceの新しいスキン評価は、ユーザーが自身の写真をアップロードすることから始まり、肌のキメ、乾燥具合、シミの評価などを元に、複数に渡るステップを通して、その写真を分析します。次に このようにして出された分析は、肌を全体的に健康な状態に保ち、より良い状態にするため、ユーザーそれぞれのモチベーションに応じた提案へとリンクされます。
ModiFace’s new skin assessment begins with the user uploading a photo of themselves and then analyzing that photo through a multi-step process based on skin texture, dehydration, and dark spots assessment. The resulting analysis is then linked to motivational suggestions for each user to keep their skin in better overall health and condition.
Built on HTML, the platform is compatible with all operating systems, including Windows, iOS, and Android, and can be used on all devices, including mobile, tablet, and desktop.
ModiFace創業者で、CEOのParham Aarabi博士は次のように述べています。
Dr. Parham Aarabi, founder and CEO of ModiFace, says:
“Instead of scoring users’ skin based on different aspects, we realized that it would be much more beneficial to provide enlightening, instructive, and specific advice to each user. In other words, instead of critiquing users’ skin and measuring their ‘skin age,’ we want to inform them what is great based on the current skin age, and how they can maintain and/or improve their skin health”.
新しい技術は、これまでフランス・ロレアルのスキンケア子会社Vichyと共同で試験を行い、Vichy社HPと同モバイル版HPに最近掲載され、世界に向けて発信されました。以下は、同アプリのフランス版のリンク先です。The new technology has so far been tested in collaboration with Vichy, the skincare subsidiary of France L’Oreal, and was recently posted on the mobile website of Vichy. The following is a link to the French version of the app.
ModiFace’s skin evaluation technology is ready for your brand integration. Integration consists of a single line of code that can be easily integrated on your brand website. In addition to the launch of the skin assessment technology, we are also pleased to announce that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted ModiFace patent number 9,687,155 for ‘Skin Visualization and Quantification’.