The launch of “LIVE NAIL” for domestic cosmetic brands – an application instantly reproduces the nail color using 3D live images.
-Dramatic Change in Retail Services after Covid-19 pandemic: Towards a Contactless Retail Solution-
テック・パワー株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役CEO:高澤 義博、以下「当社」)は新開発の高度AI技術を駆使し、3Dライブ映像で自身の爪に瞬時にネイルカラーを再現できるネイルカラーシミュレーションアプリ「LIVE NAIL」の提供を国内コスメブランド向けに開始することを発表します。
Tec Power Corporation (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Yoshihiro Takasawa) is pleased to announce the launch of “LIVE NAIL,” a nail color simulation application using newly developed advanced AI technology to instantly reproduce nail color on your own nails using 3D live images, for domestic cosmetic brands.

【AIが爪を自動認識 3Dライブ映像ARでネイルカラーをお試し】
AI Automatically Recognizes One’s Nails Nail polish try out with 3D Live Video AR
Using newly developed AI technology, we have succeeded in identifying the nails and the skin of the fingertips – two parts of the human body that were considered impossible to recognize automatically. This has made it possible to recreate the image of nail color applied to one’s own nails in augmented reality (AR), while the only way we had until today to try nail color was to apply the polish directly on to one’s nails. It also faithfully reproduces not only the color of the nail color, but the texture, such as shine, glitter, and pearl. Furthermore, this is the very first technology in Japan* that can instantly reproduce 3D live images, instead of the conventional 2D still images only.
※当社調べ *According to our research
【アフターコロナで激変する小売サービス 非接触リテールのソリューションへ】
Dramatic Change in Retail Services after Covid-19 pandemic: Towards a Contactless Retail Solution
新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大に伴い、小売サービスが急激な方向転換を迫られる中、「LIVE NAIL」は非接触リテールのソリューションとして期待できます。
As the spread of the new coronavirus infection forces retail services to change rapidly, “LIVE NAIL” can be the solution for contactless retail.
Customers can try out various types of nail polishes on their own nails without having to directly apply them on the nails in a crowded store, nor rely only on sample images on the e-commerce site. This can be expected to improve sales efficiency and customer satisfaction in stores, prevent staining accidents, and increase sales on the e-commerce site.
「LIVE NAIL」の導入により、オンラインへの積極的な誘導、またオフラインでもフィジカルなコンタクトがない「非接触」でありながら、顧客満足度やスタッフの働きやすさ向上を促進することが可能です。
With the introduction of “LIVE NAIL”, it makes it possible to actively guide customers online, promote customer satisfaction, and improve the workability of staff members while being “non-contact,” without physical contact offline.
【ネイルカラーシミュレーションアプリ「LIVE NAIL」の特徴】Features of “LIVE NAIL” nail color simulation application
■日本初技術の専用AIが爪を自動認識 高精度の追従性を発揮 Japan’s first AI technology automatically recognizes and accurately track one’s nails.
ディープラーニングによって開発された新AI(ニューロンテクノロジー)が指先の皮膚と爪を識別し、爪のみを瞬時に自動認識、ネイルカラーをリアルタイムで爪に追従させます。A new AI (neuron technology) developed by deep learning, identifies the nails and skin of the fingertips, instantly and automatically recognizes just the nails, and tracks the nail polishes on the nail in real-time.
■ネイルカラーの表現力 The expressive power of nail color
ネイルカラーの繊細な発色やツヤ及びマットな質感、微細なグリッターやパール感を忠実に再現します。It faithfully reproduces the delicate colors, shining and matte textures, fine glitters and pearls of nail polishes.
■ブランド向けフルカスタマイズ Full customization for brands
UIデザインをはじめ、ネイルカラーの表現方法、商品登録数等あらゆるデザインをブランドのご要望に合わせてフルカスタマイズしてご提供いたします。We can provide fully customized designs to meet your brand’s needs, including UI design, nail color expression, number of products to be reproduced, and more.
■数千の商品を搭載可能 Thousands of products can be reproduced.
数千のカラーデータを商品情報と共に搭載可能です。また、必要に応じてブランド別に分けることも可能です。 Thousands of color data can be set with product information. It is also able to separate the data by the brands if necessary.
■ビッグデータ収集 Big data collection
シミュレーションされたデータ情報等は、ご要望により収集することが可能です。Information such as the simulated data, can be collected upon request.
The nail color simulation software is the most advanced AR technology developed by applying our augmented reality (AR) technology, which we have been using for more than a decade to introduce the most advanced technology from Europe and the United States specialized in beauty to domestic cosmetic brands. We will continue to use the latest AR technology to improve the customer experience.
【ダウンロードURL】URL for download
App Store:ネイルカラーシミュレーションアプリ「LIVE NAIL」Nail color simulation application “LIVE NAIL”
【会社概要】Company profile
企業名 : テック・パワー株式会社 Company name: Tec Power Corporation
本社所在地 : 東京都千代田区飯田橋3-11-13 Address: 3-11-13, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
代表者 : 代表取締役CEO 高澤 義博 Representative officer: Representative Director and CEO, Yoshihiro Takasawa
資本金 : 5,000万円 Capital: 50 million yen
事業内容 : ビューティテックサービス 他 Business activities: Beauty tech services, etc.