“顔写真で即座にメイクアップシュミレーション” iPhone、Android端末向け高度メイクアップシミュレーションアプリ 提供開始 ~カナダModiFace社から日本国内へリリース~

“Instant make-up simulation on selfie”  Advanced make-up simulation application for iPhone and Android devices is now available – Released in Japan from ModiFace, Canada


We provide cutting-edge applications for websites, iOS, iPhone, and Android devices for domestic cosmetic manufacturers and sales companies.

メイクアップシミュレーション Make-up Simulation

これまで国内のメイクアップシミュレーションは、本格的な物が無く、コスメメーカーサイトなどの高品位なニーズに対し十分に応えられるアプリがありませんでした。今回提供を開始する、ModiFace Incの高度メイクアップシミュレーションサービスでは、膨大な制作費を掛けずに、本格的なシミュレーションを行う事が可能となります。
There were no full-blown make-up simulations in Japan until today, and there were no applications that could adequately meet the high quality needs of cosmetic manufacturers. The advanced make-up simulation service of ModiFace Inc, which is now available, makes it possible to experience the full-blown make-up simulations without the huge production costs.

It has already been adopted by famous cosmetic manufacturers in the U.S. and Europe, used in a wide range of ways to effectively attract customers and expand sales, such as displaying links to e-commerce sites and maps of the stores nearby, within the app.

It can also be customized in various ways, such as adding functions or changing the design, according to the client requirements.

■特徴 Features

 Unlike Flash, it is an algorithmic advanced simulation platform.
 You can instantly experience the high-quality simulation of various types of make-up on your selfie.
 All of the color palettes of the client cosmetic manufacturers can be displayed and simulated onto the selfie.
 Advanced face recognition technology minimizes the need for positional adjustments prior to simulation.
・コスメの濃さ、ツヤ、輝きなど プロレベルの繊細なメイクを表現します。
 It’s a great way to express delicate professional makeup, such as intensity, luster, and shine of cosmetics.
・繊細な部位へのメイクが可能です。It can apply makeup to detailed parts.
 Example:Liner(Top / Bottom / Outer / All), Shadow(Lid / Crease / Highlight / Definition), Blush(Upper /Lower / Apple), etc
 New colors can be added seasonally.
 Users can share their before/after photos with their friends on Twitter and Facebook.
 Client copanies can link to the e-commerce web page of the cosmetics used in the simulation and display a map of the stores nearby.
・クライアント企業様へシミュレーション人気色等の日/月単位集計データの提供を行います。We provide the daily/monthly data of simulations, such as the popular color, to the clients.

■発表詳細 Release details

Simulation service for iOS and Android devices
・メイクアップシミュレーション Makeup simulation
・スキンシミュレーション Skin simulation
・ダイエットシミュレーション Diet simulation
・ヘアスタイルシミュレーション Hair style simulation
・ヘア増毛シミュレーション Hair growth simulation   etc

■会社概要 Company profile

企業名   : テック・パワー株式会社
Company name: Tec Power Corporation
本社所在地 : 東京都千代田区飯田橋3-11-13
Address: 3-11-13, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
代表者   : 代表取締役CEO 高澤 義博
Representative: Representative Director and CEO, Yoshihiro Takasawa
資本金   : 5,000万円
Capital: 50 million yen
事業内容  : ITサービス / WEBサイト運営 他
Business activities: IT service/ Website management / etc
