Launch of the stickers pasted on the skin which displays the UV intensity and accumulation.
世界初 次世代ウェアラブルセンサーを日本へ
Bringing the world’s first next-generation wearable sensor to Japan
テック・パワー株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区 代表取締役CEO:高澤義博)は、 LogicInk Corporation(本社:米国サンフランシスコ)との日本地区代理店契約を締結し、日本初上陸のUV感知シール LogicInk UV(PAT. ロジックインクUV)を国内企業向けに提供を開始したことを発表いたします。
Tec Power Corporation, a beauty tech company (HQ: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Yoshihiro Takasawa) has signed a distributor agreement with LogicInk Corporation (HQ: San Francisco, USA) to provide the first UV sensing seal, LogicInk UV (PAT.LogicInk UV), to the domestic Japanese companies.

●LogicInk UVの特長 What’s Special about LogicInk UV
LogicInk UV is a wearable skin sensor. By simply pasting the sticker on one’s skin, it displays the amount of accumulated UV radiation that one has been exposed to, and informs the safe limit of UV radiation one can be exposed to in a day based on WHO (World Health Organization) data. At the same time, it displays the intensity of the UV rays in real time. This allows the user to determine at a glance the intensity of the UV rays one is currently exposed to, and the amount of accumulated UV rays one has been exposed to.
●効果 Effect
LogicInk UV makes it possible to protect one’s self from UV, like the users can understand when to re-apply the sunscreen, and when to move into the shade. It is also water-resistant and skin-friendly, therefore can be used for outdoor activities and leisure, and is also safe for children’s use.
●LogicInk UVの仕様と機能 Features and specifications of LogicInk UV
Real-time display of UV intensity and daily UV accumulation
A circle sticker has two rings – the inner ring shows the intensity of UV light in real time, changing from white to pink depending on the intensity of UV light, and the outer ring shows the amount of UV radiation accumulated in a day, and changes from blue to pink according to the amount accumulated. The outer ring is the limit of the amount of UV radiation to be exposed in a day.
・ウォータープルーフ Waterproof
LogicInk UV is waterproof and can be used underwater. It can be used in a variety of situations, including leisure activities such as playing in the water and water sports.
・肌に優しいシール Gentle for skin
LogicInk UV adhesive is gentle on the skin and could be safely used by people from all ages – from children to the elders.
・スマホフリーなウェアラブル Smartphone-free wearables
Unlike the electronic-based products with similar functions, the LogicInk UV does not require a smartphone to recognize the amount of UV radiation one has been exposed to in a day, since the sticker itself is the UI. Carefully designed with distinctly changing shapes and vivid colors, anyone could easily check their UV status at a glance. On the other hand, you can use the optional smartphone app to scan your LogicInk UV (to be announced later). For example, at the end of each day, you can scan the LogicInk UV to measure the amount of UV accumulation to get daily data as well as long-term data.
●LogicInk Corporationについて About LogicInk Corporation
Fast Company「世界を変えるアイディアアワード2018」ファイナリストへの選出他、米国国内で大きな注目を集める次世代企業。ハーバードメディカルスクール、MITメディアラボ等世界有数の研究機関出身メンバーからなるチームによる特許取得済みの研究から、今後はUV機能のみならず様々な健康を守るウェアラブルテクノロジーを発表していきます。
The company has been selected as a finalist in Fast Company’s “Ideas to Change the World Award 2018” and is a next-generation company that is attracting significant attention in the United States. The company’s patented research, conducted by a team that includes members from Harvard Medical School, MIT Media Lab, and other world-leading research institutions, will lead to the release of wearable technology that not only provides UV protection, but also protects a variety of health.
<発表詳細> Release details
LogicInk UV(PAT.)国内企業むけ提供開始
LogicInk UV (PAT.) is now available for domestic companies
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<会社概要>Company profile
企業名:テック・パワー株式会社 Company name: Tec Power Corporation
本社所在地:東京都千代田区飯田橋3-11-13 Address: 3-11-13, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
代表者:代表取締役CEO 高澤 義博 Representative officer: Representative Director and CEO, Yoshihiro Takasawa
資本金:5000万円 Capital: 50 million yen
事業内容:ビューティーテック事業 他 Business activities: beauty tech, etc