Cutting-edge diet simulation for iPad, iPhone, and Android devices, instantly showing the own body after the weight-loss, is now available
Released in Japan by ModiFace, Canada
テック・パワー株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役CEO:高澤 義博)は、カナダModiface IncのiOS、iPhone、Android端末向け高度ダイエットシミュレーションソフトウェアの提供を行うこととなりました。
Tec Power Corporation (HQ: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Yoshihiro Takasawa) has provided the advanced diet simulation software for iOS, iPhone and Android devices, developed by Modiface Inc. of Canada.

We provide cutting-edge diet simulation software for websites, iPads, iPhones, and Android devices for domestic diet food manufacturers, esthetic salons, fitness gyms, and other client companies
Users can use their own photos to see how they will look when having a weight-gain or weight-lost weight. Showing one’s own self after weight-loss, will engage the users to set the goal and work hard to get in shape. We can also customize by adding functions and/or changing the design to meet the specific needs.
<ダイエットシミュレーション>Diet simulation
Introducing a diet simulation application for iOS, iPhone, and Android devices
■特長 Features
It is an advanced simulation platform based on algorithms, different from Flash.
Users can instantly see the difference in their own body when gaining and/or losing weight, using their own picture taken by their camera or selected from their album.
Users can see how they look, not only when losing their weight but gaining.
The advanced recognition technology makes it very easy to correct the position before simulation.
Displays the simulated weight and BMI.
Users can send the before/after photos via email or share them with friends on Facebook.
The range of increase and decrease of the body weight can be set freely.
Client companies will be able to use diet visualization as a powerful means of attracting customers, something that was never seen before.
■発表詳細 Release details
iOS、Android端末用シミュレーションサービスSimulation service for iOS and Android devices
・ダイエットシミュレーション Diet simulation
・メイクアップシミュレーション Makeup simulation
・スキンシミュレーション Skin simulation
・ドレスフィッティングシミュレーション Dress-fitting simulation
・ホワイトニングシミュレーション etc Whitening simulation etc
<ダイエットシミュレーション>Diet simulation
■会社概要 Company profile
企業名 : テック・パワー株式会社 Company name: Tec Power Corporation
本社所在地 : 東京都千代田区飯田橋3-11-13 Address: 3-11-13, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
代表者 : 代表取締役CEO 高澤 義博 Representative officer: Representative Director and CEO, Yoshihiro Takasawa
資本金 : 5,000万円 Capital: 50 million yen
事業内容 : ITサービス/WEBサイト運営 他 Business activities: IT services/Website management, etc