Launch of “FaceAI,” an Aging and Dieting App, for Japan Post Insurance
Aging/anti-aging diet simulation is now available
テック・パワー株式会社(東京都千代田区、代表取締役CEO 高澤義博 以下「当社」)は、第一生命ホールディングス子会社のQOLead(キュオリード、東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長 岩井泰雅 以下「QOLead」)との協業により、株式会社かんぽ生命保険(東京都千代田区、取締役兼代表執行役社長 植平光彦、以下「かんぽ生命」)にFaceAI(エイジング/アンチエイジング・ダイエットシミュレーション・喫煙/禁煙シミュレーション・飲酒シミュレーション・白髪シミュレーション)の提供を開始しました。
Tec Power Corporation (HQ: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Yoshihiro Takasawa, hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) in collaboration with QOLead (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, CEO Yasumasa Iwai, hereinafter referred to as “QOLead”), a subsidiary of Dai-ichi Life Holdings Co. has started to provide Japan Post Insurance Co., Ltd.(Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Mitsuhiko Uehira, President, CEO and Representative Executive Officer; hereinafter “JPI”) the FaceAI (aging/anti-aging, diet simulation, smoking/non-smoking simulation, drinking simulation, and gray hair simulation).
This allows the users to see their own image of after aging, anti-aging, or dieting, which was something we only could imagine before.
気軽にシミュレーションした姿を楽しむ事が出来、多くの成人が気になる喫煙習慣や過度な飲酒を長年続けた場合の将来の顔姿を予測し表現します。喫煙や過度な飲酒をこのまま続けるとどうなってしまうのか? 将来の姿を予想して表示する事で、生活習慣を見直し健康的な生活を送るきかっけになることを目的としています。
You can easily enjoy a simulated appearance, and it predicts and expresses what your face will look like in the future if you continue your smoking habit or excessive drinking for many years. What do you think will happen if you continue to smoke and drink excessively? The purpose of this system is to help people review their lifestyle habits and lead a healthy life by predicting and displaying their future appearance.

FaceAI can perform these simulations on an iPhone or Android device, using the user’s own selfie. This makes it easier to set health goals by visualizing the expected future/past of one’s self, and encourages people to age healthily.
●エイジング/アンチエイジングシミュレーション機能 Aging/Anti-aging Simulation
体重・身長・年齢を入力し、自分の顔写真からこれから予想される自分の姿をサムネイルで5歳毎に20歳から90歳 まで表示し、即座にその姿を表現します。左右分割画面表示機能も搭載、現在と将来の姿を同一画面上で比較する事が可 能。シミュレーションした結果の保存やメールなどでのシェアも可能です。
After entering your weight, height and age, your expected skin condition will be instantly displayed by 5 years from age 20 to 90. The display can be divided into two, which makes it possible to compare present and future skin conditions on the same screen. You can save the results after simulation and share them by email.
●ダイエット/ゲインシミュレーション Weight loss/gain simulation
It also incorporates the diet simulation – visually expressing weight gain/loss. BMI gauge shows the current BMI and the ideal BMI/weight. By only moving the gauge, it can show one’s future state when you attain the ideal BMI/ weight. Visualizing one’s goal will encourage them to stay healthy.
●禁煙/喫煙シミュレーション No smoking/smoking simulation
It predicts and expresses how the face will look in the future, after many years of having smoking habits and excessive drinking.
※京都大学 健康科学センター 石見教授の監修
*Supervised by Professor Iwami, Health Science Center, Kyoto University
●飲酒シミュレーション Drinking simulation
It allows the users to see how they look in future, when they continue to drink excessively and develop liver disease. It is now possible to compare this with moderate drinking.
※京都大学 健康科学センター 石見教授の監修
*Supervised by Professor Iwami, Health Science Center, Kyoto University
FaceAIの開発について About FaceAI development
FaceAI has been adopted by leading cosmetic brands worldwide and was developed by application of AR technology from ModiFace makeup simulation and skin simulation which boasts the most excellent expression capability in the world. It is the latest VR technology created by an application of patent technology of facial tracking and rendering technology based on ModiFace 5.4 million large amounts of data.
主な技術 Main technologies
Automatic Face Coordinate Recognition Technology It can automatically recognize eyes, nose and mouth. There is no need to manually adjust it.
・肌の質感の認識技術 肌の質感を認識、ハリや荒れた状態、シミ、シワを自動認識します。
Skin Texture Recognition Technology It can recognize skin texture and automatically recognize skin resilience, dark spots and wrinkles, all at the same time.
・表現技術 加齢による肌、シミ、シワやたるみの経過を予測表現、アンチエイジングによる若い年齢時も予測表現します。
Expression Technology It can predict and express the skin condition as aging, dark spots, wrinkles and sagging as well as your skin condition when anti-aging regimen is applied at younger age.
■発表詳細 Release details
かんぽ生命 健康応援アプリ内 エイジング/アンチエイジング・ダイエットシミュレーション・喫煙/禁煙シミュレーション・飲酒シミュレーション・白髪シミュレーション
Aging/Anti-aging Simulation, Weight loss/gain simulation, Drinking simulation, and Gray hair simulation, in the Dai-ichi Life Health Promotion App
■かんぽ生命 ニュースリリースURL
■会社概要 Company profile
企業名:テック・パワー株式会社 Company name: Tec Power Corporation
所在地:東京都千代田区飯田橋 3-11-13 Address: 3-11-13, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
代表者:代表取締役CEO 高澤 義博 Representative officer: Representative Director and CEO, Yoshihiro Takasawa
資本金:5000万円 Capital: 50 million yen
事業内容:ITサービス/WEBサイト運営 他 Business activities: IT services/website management, etc