Launching the first ever nail color simulation app in Japan
We have now started offering the nail simulation application -allowed to present a nail polish on one’s finger on live- for Japanese cosmetic brand.

By the development of new AI technology, we are now able to automatically recognize the difference between finger skin and the nail. The only way to try out the nail polish, was to paint one’s nails. However, this application allows to try the nail polish virtually by augmented reality presentation method.
Customers will be able to try nail polishes in the crowded stores, try different polishes repeatedly, and will not have to rely on the sample pictures when buying through EC site. This application will ensure the improvement of customer satisfaction and sales efficiency both in stores and on EC site, and help prevent product from getting stained.
▼ネイルカラー シミュレーションの特⻑ : Special feature of nail color simulation
●⽇本初技術の専⽤AIが⽖を⾃動認識 ⾼精度の追従性を発揮 : Japan’s first-only technology AI automatically recognizes one’s nails
A new AI (neuron technology) developed by deep learning distinguishes the skin and the nail of the fingertips, instantly recognizes only the nails, and let the polish follow the nails in real time.
●ネイルカラーの表現⼒ : Nail color expression
It reproduces the delicate color, gloss and matte texture, and fine glitter and pearls of the polish.
●ブランド様向けにフルカスタマイズ : Fully customized for the brands
We provide UI design, nail color expression method, number of registered products, etc., fully customized according to the brand’s request.
●数千の商品を搭載可能 : Thousands of the products can be installed
Thousands of color data can be loaded together with product information. You can also sort by brand in case of necessary.
●ビッグデータ収集 : Big data collection
ネイル カラー シミュレーションソフトウェアは、⼗数年に渡りビューティに特化した欧⽶の最先端技術を国内コスメブランドに紹介してきた当社のAR(拡張現実)技術を応⽤して開発された最先端のAR技術です。私たちはこれからも最新のAR/VR技術で、カスタマーエクスペリエンスの向上を図って参ります。
Simulated data information can be collected upon request. Nail color simulation software is the state-of-the-art AR developed by applying our AR (Augmented Reality) technology. We will continue to improve the customer experience with the latest AR / VR technology.