Smart Mirror with Interactive Function Introduced to @cosme POWDER ROOM
渋谷スクランブルスクエア隣接「渋谷駅東口地下広場」内 @cosme POWDER ROOMでスマートミラーを体験Experience the smart mirror at the @cosme POWDER ROOM in the Shibuya Station East Exit Underground Plaza, adjacent to Shibuya Scramble Square
テック・パワー株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区 代表取締役CEO:高澤義博)は、株式会社アイスタイル(本社:東京都港区 代表取締役CEO:吉松徹郎)がプロデュースする渋谷スクランブルスクエア隣接の「渋谷駅東口地下広場」@cosme POWDER ROOM※1へインタラクティブ機能を持ったスマートミラーの導入及び運用を開始したことを発表します。
Tec Power Corporation (HQ: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Yoshihiro Takasawa) announced today that they have introduced and begun operating a smart mirror with interactive functions in the @cosme POWDER ROOM*1 in the “Shibuya Station East Exit Underground Plaza” adjacent to Shibuya Scramble Square, produced by istyle Inc.(HQ: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Tetsuro Yoshimatsu).

パウダールーム内の鏡をスマートミラーで運用 Operation of mirrors in the powder room with smart mirrors
This service will enable real-time promotions to customers by adding signage functions to the smart mirrors specialized for the cosmetic brands. The smart mirror functions as an interactive mirror that can be approached by visitors while they are fixing their make-up, and would be a communication medium that creates a new connection between users and brands/products.
Interactive mirrors can function as an infrastructure in beauty tech, which normal mirrors could not. In the future, not only powder rooms, but also the other places with the normal mirrors, will be replaced with smart mirrors. It can be used for various purposes as an IoT infrastructure.
Interactive mirror is a high-performance smart mirror specialized for beauty brands provided by Tech Power Corporation, the exclusive distributor of actiMirror*2.

インタラクティブミラーについて About the interactive mirror
Based on the smart mirror, actiMirror, which has already been adopted by various beauty brands and department stores in Japan, we will customize the interactive mirror to meet the client’s needs.
スマートミラーの主な仕様と機能 Main specifications and functions of the smart mirror
●ハードウェア Hardware
高精細モニター High-definition monitor
カメラ Camera
内蔵スピーカー Built-in speaker
マイク Microphone
モーション センサー Motion sensor
LED照明 LED Lighting
マルチ タッチス クリーン など Multi-touch screen, etc.
●ソフトウェア Software
サイネージ用機能制御 Function control for signage
スクリーンセイバー Screen saver
アンケート Questionnaire
動画再生 Video play
静止画表示 Display of still images
LED制御 LED control
LOG配信 Log delivery
障害監視 など Failure monitoring, etc.
オプション Option
データ連携・メイクアップ シミュレーション・肌診断 など Data linkage, makeup simulation, skin diagnosis, etc.
※1 @cosme POWDER ROOM
It is located in a new public space that connects the underground railroad facilities of Shibuya Station with the JR Hachiko ticket gate. While the users fixing their makeup, the interactive mirror with digital signage could be a communication medium that creates a new connection between visitors and brands/products.
※2 actiMirror社
actiMirror corporation Ltd.(本社:米国シリコンバレー/香港)(HQ: Silicon Valley, USA/Hong Kong)
日本地区総代理店 テック・パワー株式会社 Exclusive distributor in Japan Tech Power Corporation
■ ニュースリリースURL
■発表詳細 Release details
インタラクティブ機能搭載スマートミラーを渋谷スクランブルスクエア隣接「渋谷駅東口地下広場」内@cosme POWDER ROOMへ導入 Smart mirrors with interactive functions introduced in the @cosme POWDER ROOM in the “Shibuya Station East Exit Underground Plaza” adjacent to Shibuya Scramble Square
■会社概要 Company profile
企業名:テック・パワー株式会社 Company name: Tec Power Corporation
本社所在地:東京都千代田区飯田橋3−11−13 Address: 3-11-13, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
代表社:代表取締役CEO 高澤 義博 Representative officer: Representative Director and CEO, Yoshihiro Takasawa
資本金:5,000万円 Capital: 50 million yen
事業内容:ITサービス/ビューティーテック 他 Business activities: IT services/beauty tech, etc