Accelerating Japanese X-Tech
with the World’s Latest Technology
Since the foundation, we have been expanding our business by resolving the issues around the world using technologies, starting with IoT devices.In recent years, we have established the business partnership with the companies -mostly in Western countries- that develop the world’s latest IT technology.We have been actively promoting, planning, developing and manufacturing the IoT devices particularly used in beauty business, and this helped us to be positioned as the leading company of the beauty tech industry in Asia.
Accelerating Japanese X-Tech with the World’s Latest Technology
Since the foundation, we have been expanding our business by resolving the issues around the world using technologies, starting with IoT devices.In recent years, we have established the business partnership with the companies -mostly in Western countries- that develop the world’s latest IT technology.We have been actively promoting, planning, developing and manufacturing the IoT devices particularly used in beauty business, and this helped us to be positioned as the leading company of the beauty tech industry in Asia.
ビューティ領域におけるIoTデバイスの企画・開発・製造を積極的に推進し、日本・アジア諸国におけるBeauty Tech分野のリーディングカンパニーです。
ビューティ領域におけるIoTデバイスの企画・開発・製造を積極的に推進し、日本・アジア諸国におけるBeauty Tech分野のリーディングカンパニーです。
Who we are ?

Beauty Tech
We deliver the solution in the beauty industry.
Our IoT devices including the smart mirror, and the technologies of skin analysis and face certification, helps to promote the digital transformation of the cosmetic brands and retailers.
3 Functions

We distribute foreign cutting-edge technologies and devices -mostly in the Western countries
– within Japan and other Asian countries.

We do not own any factories, but instead we lock up our capital in proposing and developing solutions, so that we can fasten the developing process.

We design the customized device using the cutting-technologies based on the customer’s request, and develop totally from scratch.

revieve offers the personalized brand experience using AI and AR technologies. Health-Beauty-Wellness Platform produces personalized searching functions and shopping experiences by using self-diagnostic modules.

actiMirror is a smart mirror aiming to promote the digital transformation for the offline experience. It contains android OS and can implement multiple applications. It allows customers to experience new technologies such as the AR simulation, skin diagnosis, taking and playing videos, etc.
It can be used in various situations such as shops and accommodation facilities.
actiMIrrorはオフライン体験のDX化を促進するスマートミラーです。android OSを搭載し、様々なアプリケーションの実装が可能です。

Logic.Ink sticker detects the ultraviolet radiation intensity, and visualize the UV accumulated on the skin. Let us keep the amount of UV we get exposed every day, within the recommended range*.
*Based on data from WHO
Neil Color Simulation
Nail Color Simulation instantly reproduces the nail colors, by using our independently developed AR. This enables users to try various colors at shops and on e-commerce sites.
Nail Color Simulationは、当社が独自開発したARによって瞬時にネイルカラーを再現します。
高澤 義博
〒102-0072 東京都千代田区飯田橋3-11-13
– Revieve・actiMirror・LogicInk・Perfect365 *アジア地区総代理店(Revieve社 / actiMirror社 / LOGIC.INK社 / Perfect365社)
IoT device fabless manufacturing business
Distributing agent in Japan / Asia
– Revieve・actiMirror・LogicInk・Perfect365 *Asia district representative agents(Revieve / actiMirror / LOGIC.INK / Perfect365)
株式会社資生堂 パナソニック株式会社 LVMHフレグランスブランズ株式会社 株式会社アイスタイル 株式会社コスメネクスト R/GA 株式会社エキップ 株式会社そごう・西武 株式会社ACRO 日本電気株式会社 株式会社ニコン 第一生命保険株式会社 株式会社大塚商会 NECネクサソリューションズ株式会社 Conde Nast Publications Japan(VOGUE) 株式会社大丸松坂屋百貨店 株式会社ロフト 他お取引先企業様多数 国公立私立大学等教育機関多数 国土交通省、農林水産省、厚生労働省等の官公庁